Feature Additions 9.x Schema

The following features and capabilities were added to the 9.x schema family.

  • Support for Instruction-Based Dynamic Payout (9.0) - Added six new transaction types in support for the PayFac Instruction-Based Dynamic Payout product.

  • Support for Apple Pay (9.1) - Added support for one method of processing Apple Pay in-app purchases. Added applepay enum to <orderSource> and changed maxLength of the <authenticationValue> element from 32 to 56 characters.

  • Support for eCheck Prenotification transactions (9.1) - Added two new Batch only transaction types to support eCheck Prenotification transactions. Note: Although included in the schema, the eCheck Prenotification transactions are not yet released for general use.

  • Support for Apple Pay (9.2) - Added <applepay> as a method of payment.

  • Support for Convenience Fees (9.2) - Added the <secondaryAmount> element. The <secondaryAmount> is the principal portion of the purchase, when a convenience fee is included as part of the total transaction amount. For example, if the total transaction amount is $105 (i.e. $100 principal + $5 convenience fee), the <secondaryAmount> is $100. Convenience fees are used in market segments where the merchant cannot pass on the costs associated with accepting a credit card-based payment by law. These service providers partner with third party agents to allow customers to use credit cards and charge a fee to provide the service.

  • Support for new account markers and custom fields for Advanced Fraud Tools (9.3) - The new account markers sent to ThreatMetrix include: bill to address, ship to address, amount, and five custom attribute fields. The custom attribute elements have merchant defined values that Advanced Custom (i.e., self-serve merchants) can use to create additional rules for inclusion in the fraud evaluation. The account markers were also added to the standalone Fraud Check transaction type, bringing it into parity with the AVF functionality on the Auth/Sale transactions.

  • Support for Convenience Fees added to Credit and eCheckCredit transactions (9.3) - This was required so the Convenience Fees could be defined on refunds, if originally used in the parent section.

  • Support for return of Last Four of Card Number on ApplePay transactions (9.4) - The <cardSuffix> element was added to the authorizationResponse and saleResponse messages. This element provides the merchant the last four digits of the card number for ApplePay transaction involving Visa or MasterCard.

    XML version V9.5 was never released for general availability.

  • Support for Visa funding of a host-based prepaid product, a brokerage account, or escrow account (9.6) - A new element, <processingType>, was added as an optional child of <authorization>, <captureGivenAuth>, <forceCapture>, and <sale> transactions. This element defines a Visa transaction that is intended to fund a host-based prepaid product, a brokerage account, or escrow account.

  • Support for VisaCheckout (9.7) - Added a new enumeration, VisaCheckout, to the <walletSourceType> element.

  • Support for Android Pay (9.8) - Added a new enumeration, androidpay, to the <orderSource> element. Also, added the <androidPayResponse> element and children to various response messages.

  • Support for Gift Card PIN (9.9) - Added <pin> element to various transaction request and response messages, as well as to the <card> element.

  • Support for Sessionless Advanced Fraud Tool option (9.9) - The new capability allows the use of Advanced Fraud Tools without the submission of the <threatMetrixSessionId> element. With this option, the fraud check only involves Worldpay submitted data points and any custom attributes submitted by the merchant.

  • Support for Visa and Discover Recurring Payments using networkTransactionId (9.10) - For recurring payments involving network tokens (i.e., Apple Pay and Android Pay), Visa and Discover return a networkTransactionId, which the merchant must include in subsequent recurring payments as a reference to the original transaction.

  • Support for 8-digit Canadian eCheck Routing Numbers (9.10) - The minLength of the <routingNum> was changed from 9 to 8.

  • Support for return of eciIndicator in Android Pay response (9.11) - The <eciIndicator> element was added to the <androidpayResponse> element

  • Support for SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) Direct Debit (9.12) - Support was added for the SEPA method of payment in Online Sale transactions. SEPA allows for the direct debit of accounts for Euro-to-Euro transactions, adding to our International offering.

  • Support for iDEAL Real-time Bank Transfer (9.12) - Support was added for the iDEAL method of payment in Online Sale transactions. iDEAL, used predominantly in the Netherlands, allows for the direct transfer of funds from consumer accounts to merchant accounts for Euro-to-Euro transactions, adding to our International offering.

  • Added authIndicator to support Incremental Auths (9.16) - used by certain Travel and Entertainment (T&E) merchants when final purchase amounts are unknown.

  • Added foreignRetailIndicator to capture parent elements (9.16) - must be present when the marketplace and retailer are not in the same region (country).